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Dental Heath care, Pre-existing dental conditions that I need help for in Georgia

Saturday, Apr. 16th 2011 9:01 AM

Dental Heath care, Pre-existing dental conditions that I need help for in Georgia. Due to a recent job change that I needed to make I no longer have dental insurance. I thought I would be able to keep my dental plan I did have but was told that I could not since it was a group dental plan.

My current job offers me much better medical care benefits but nothing for dental. It is very important that I maintain dental insurance for my health care since I have diabetes. My diabetes does effect my teeth and gums so I have on and off again dental problems that do come up.

Mostly the dental problems I have are with my gums but I do get many cavities once in a while too. I have to see my dentist every three months just so I can keep my teeth in good shape. I do not want to change dentist since mine knows about my diabetes and I like the way he takes care of me. I do not know where to look for dental insurance and I want to make sure I will be covered for my future dental needs. Can you please advise

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